Were Victorian corsets actually painful?
Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew

Were Victorian corsets actually painful?

As someone who has a love for fashions of years gone by, I find myself often presented with the phrase ‘oh no I’d hate to wear that, imagine the pain from the corset!’. There is a belief amongst many that corsetry is a device of torture and that wearing one is excruciatingly painful. So, let’s take the question of whether corsets are actually painful, break it down and find the truth.

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Mourning Jewellery
Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew

Mourning Jewellery

Mourning jewellery, a way to remember and commemorate a deceased loved one, reach its peak popularity during the Victorian era. Often made using hair, these were elaborate and intricate pieces of jewellery.

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The Fashion Plate
Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew Fashion History Molly Elizabeth Agnew

The Fashion Plate

The fashion plate, a way to circulate popular fashions among society in the late 18th century and 19th century. Let’s take a look at its history and why they were such a success.

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